
Omer and hana app
Omer and hana app


ONLY THE BEST LEARNINGMATERIAL!Kids will absolutely love the engaging content throughnurseryrhymes and kids Songs. With parental lock controls and safetyfeatures, KidsLearn about animals, colors, brushing, School,SleepTime and Manynew interesting things.App is suitable for children ofall ages –with or without adult supervision.


PrivacyPolicy: Term of Use:"""īaby Ronnie Rhymes are Kids Nursery Rhymes and KidsPreschoollearning songs,a fun way to help kids and toddlers learnusing ABCsongs, educational HD cartoons & animations, singalong andnursery rhymes! DOWNLOAD ONCE! LEARN ANYWHERE, ANY TIME!ONLY THEBEST LEARNING MATERIAL! Using vibrant colors, friendlycharactersand HD graphics, we’ve created an learning songs forpreschool kidsand babies. The costofthe current month's payment cannot be refunded, and servicecannotbe stopped in the middle of a billing period. It isrenewedautomatically unless you disable automatic renewal at least24hours before the end of the current billing period. Your subscription isvalidon any device registered to your account. Newcontentwill be added regularly! Here's how it works: - Renewed onceamonth or year depending on the plan. NEWCONTENT EVERY WEEK - New song come out every Wednesday inthe app!- New game Didi & Friends is a subscription app. 🤩 Itincludes new song Season 5 from Didi & Friends.Your kids canmeet Didi, Nana, Jojo, Pak Atan, Pak Beruang and manymore. Supported byspecialistsin pedagogy and children's psychology, - ParentalControl. It stimulates activities beyond the screen,likeDo-It-Yourself, Sing-a-Long and Dance. All Didi&Friends existing songs and upcoming songs - All Didi &Friendsexisting episodes - Exclusive Didi & Friends learningvideos -Exclusive Didi & Friends interactive storybooks -ExclusiveDidi & Friends interactive games - Exclusive Didi& Friends3D animations - Activities involving STEM subjects:Science,Technology, Engineering and Mathematics. The Didi&Friends App contains: - Learn while having fun with over400activities, videos, books and games for kids. Children willenjoylearning and getting rewards together with theirfavoritecharacters in the all-new Didi & Friends app! Join over300,000users and let your kid learn while having fun.


Belajar sambil bermain, mengenal ilmu pengetahuan sekaligus meneladani sifat Nabi."A safe, kid-friendly app, housing all Didi & Friends songsandepisodes plus all-new, weekly exclusive app-onlycuratededucational content in the form of songs, 3D animation,videos,interactive games, and interactive storybooks. Ikuti petualangan Omar Hana bersama Papa, Mama, Mimi, Indra, Sufi, Nuru, Sara, Faris, Opah, Atok, Ustaz Musa dan Cikgu Lalia. Dia menikmati makanan penutup yang manis dan sedih ketika diabaikan.

omer and hana app

Hana menyukai binatang yang lembut dan berbulu dan selalu mengikuti kakak laki-lakinya berkeliling dan meniru tindakannya. Dia berantakan, nakal dan suka perhatian. Hana adalah adik perempuan Omar dan berusia 4 tahun. Dia tidak suka kalah, dan takut kecoa dan badai petir.

omer and hana app omer and hana app

Dia suka binatang bergigi tajam, dan keahlian khususnya menggambar dan membuat sesuatu. Omar adalah anak laki-laki berusia 6 tahun, dan merupakan saudara laki-laki yang penuh kasih dan protektif bagi Hana. Mereka menarik teman-teman di seluruh dunia ke dunia mereka yang menakjubkan dan menakjubkan.

omer and hana app

Omar dan Hana adalah kakak-beradik yang bahagia, ingin tahu, dan penuh kasih. Assalamualaikum Kawan Kawan! JOM! Ikut berpetualang bersama Kami dalam kisah cerita seru petualangan, bermain dan belajar bersama Omar Hana.

Omer and hana app