
General practitioner athens ga
General practitioner athens ga

We were also the environmental health officers and inspected areas where there might be hazardous waste and epidemics. I took care of all kinds of people ranging from pilots, crew and air traffic control workers. During my remaining five years in the Air Force, I was a family practitioner and a flight surgeon. In time, it was found that people who operated aircraft should have certain physical characteristics, such as excellent eyesight and so the discipline of flight medicine came to be. When the air became a combat environment, it was found that the physical stresses were different and sometimes caused impairment. Flight Medicine goes back to the British. I started to find out about careers beyond simply practicing medicine in the Airforce. I didn’t know anything about it, but it sounded good and was everything I liked. I had a friend who knew about family practice, which is what I actually do. I thought I wanted to be a general surgeon, but my general surgery rotation was probably the worst one. I didn’t really know what I wanted to do. How did you decide to become a flight surgeon and then a family practitioner? After I graduated medical school, I decided to go into the Air Force to do my internship and residency. I was inducted in the Air Force Reserve before I started medical school. I applied and was accepted into the United States Air Force. When I was about to graduate college and had been accepted into medical school, I asked one of my advisers about scholarships. My father was in the Navy during World War II and so I thought it’d be great to join the military. I wanted to be in the military from the time I decided to be a doctor. If you knew you wanted to be a doctor, why did you decide to join the military? I briefly considered dentistry, but I could not see myself spending the rest of my life looking into people’s mouths. I guess part of it is, once you start telling people, then you don’t want to change your mind. For some reason in the fourth grade I decided I wanted to be a doctor and I never changed my mind. I wanted to be a garbage man because I liked the big trucks.

general practitioner athens ga

I wanted to be a fireman because I liked the big trucks. At the time, they rode Harleys with a stick shift right by the gas tank. I wanted to be a policeman because I liked the motorcycles. I went through a variety of career choices. I was born here in Athens and I decided to become a doctor in fourth grade. Tell us a little bit about your background and how you decided to become a doctor.

General practitioner athens ga